The Splendour of Spring!

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The splendour of Spring!

I love this time of year…when the days begin to lengthen, the flowers blossom, the air has a touch of warmth, and the daffodils come out in their splendour here in Kyneton!

The emerging of Spring excites me with the possibilities of expansion and renewal after the contraction of winter.  I enjoy the sense of rebirth that comes from witnessing the bursts of colour and growth happening all around me.  It surely has felt like a long, cold, wet winter this year, so perhaps it’s simply the anticipation of the return of the sun that makes this Spring feel ever more potent… either way – I have been celebrating the wonderful little things that are helping to brighten my day just now!  I hope you are experiencing them with great gratitude also.

“We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.
The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come.” – Joseph Campbell

New beginnings…

I see so many of us waking up from the slumber of winter with a renewed sense of self.  So much has transformed in our lives over the last few years – some of it you perhaps wouldn’t have chosen, but hopefully you are beginning to see the gifts arising from the chaos.  Many people seem to be settling into a new way of being, which may be very different to the life they used to know. However, just because you didn’t plan for the changes, that doesn’t mean they weren’t a necessary step in your life.

Transitioning into a new way of being is not always easy.  I see so many friends and clients having a mini identity crisis as they navigate their way into the next chapter of their life.  How they used to operate doesn’t fit them anymore, but their new life has not yet solidified in the way they desire.  A change in your way of being takes time to redefine your life again.  A change in your way of being means letting go of old friends or work or activities that no longer fit your energy or the path that you are headed.

While these changes are ALWAYS beneficial in the long run, they can feel disruptive in the short term.  You can enter a kind of limbo where you don’t resonate fully with the old, but you’re not yet in the new.  It’s times like this I find nature is such a wonderful teacher, and the energy of Spring is the perfect analogy for new phases of life.  The key lesson is ‘it takes time’ – you can’t force a plant to grow!

All you have to do is take a look around you and see how blossoms emerge in their own perfect time.  A tree has a dormant period – it follows the natural cycle of letting go, then taking time out to rest and replenish.  When the conditions are right, the tree will begin to slowly develop new buds, ready for new growth.  These buds develop into new foliage at their perfect pace.  This process cannot be rushed.

As the rebirth and renewal energy of Spring is emanating, be very conscious about what you are cultivating.  This is the time for planting seeds for new growth and tending to the delicate new shoots of life.  Get clear on your values and needs and ensure that as you begin naturally doing more with the longer and brighter days, your activities are in alignment with those values and you are nourishing those needs.  That is the only path to your most satisfying life.

And if you find yourself feeling a little vulnerable because of the changes that have occurred in your life in recent years, remember to allow patience.  Patience for the growth of the seeds that you have been planting.  Patience and trust that they will evolve into their full abundance in good time.

Blessings on your journey,
Michelle Teunon

If you would like a little more information about Spring from the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perspective, check out my past newsletters:
Spring has sprung!
The Lessons of Spring

In need of a little support tending to your values and needs?  Remember Kinesiology is a wonderful tool to release and re-align on all all levels.

I’ve also recently started utilising some astrological concepts into my work, which offers more opportunities to come into greater alignment with your soul.

Feel free to contact me if you want to hear how these methods are able to assist you right now.

Here’s a little encouragement to help cast off the shackles of winter!

Take advantage of my special offer during September and receive $25 off all Bodywork bookings.  Pay $85 instead of $110, for a 1-1.5 hour session.

Bodywork can be an excellent way to renew your energy and reset your body, ready for the next chapter.


Sunday October 2nd, 2pm – 4pm:
Qi Gong with Intuitive Sound Healing, in Woodend.  COST: $40

Join us for our final Qi Gong and Sound workshop this year – a nourishing Qi Gong class, accompanied by Intuitive Sound Healing with Soul Chrysalis, during & after Qi Gong.
Email, text or call Michelle to book your place.
The 7 Week Qi Gong course will return to Kyneton Community House in 2023.

Keep an eye out for some 1/2 day Qi Gong workshops, suitable for beginners and also introducing some new practices to those who have already completed the 7 week course.

Plus there will be more dates scheduled for Qi Gong with Intuitive Sound Healing.