My own healing journey was initially motivated by physical pain. I am so grateful for the lessons and wisdom that pain has enabled me to uncover on my life’s journey. I continue to be amazed by the wonders of my own body and how the more I surrender to my soul’s wisdom – the more magical my life becomes.Kinesiology, Cranio Sacral therapy and Qi Gong has helped me reconnect with parts of myself I had pushed aside. Exploring the seasons of nature and her changing faces has also helped me accept the cycles of change and growth that naturally exist in all of our lives.Michelle Teunon
- Diploma of Health Sciences in Holistic Kinesiology
- Open Sky Qi Gong Facilitator
- Cranio Sacral Therapy Level 1
- Cherokee Indian Bodywork Certificate
- Brain Gym 101
- INPP therapy training
- Over 13 years clinical kinesiology experience
- Decades of personal journeying into the depths of my soul and the wisdom of the elements
- Reiki and Seichem level 1
- Golden Dragon Healing
- Advanced Clinical Nutrition Unit (ACCM)
- Registered Professional Member of AIK Ltd
- Current Medical Malpractice and Liability insurance
- Current Working with Children Check
- Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP) provider