We have reached a turning point…

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Nature has set in motion a time of retreat. The height of summer is over, the days are now getting shorter and we can clearly feel that we are embarking on the journey towards winter. Naturally at this time we begin to turn our attention inwards, winding down our desire for external activities and all that ‘out there’ connection, instead seeking refuge indoors.

Withdrawing from the world gives us the opportunity to objectively evaluate our life and make the choices that are right for us now, not simply based on our past or old habits. During the time of turning inward, we re-connect with our essence – that part of us that informs us, guides us and directs us to our fullest potential. When we have the space and stillness to listen to our inner voice, it helps align our thoughts, feelings and actions with our higher purpose.

Potent questions to ask at this time include:
Am I where I want to be in my life?  What dreams have I forgotten?  What is next in my evolution?  
Who am I now?  Who am I no longer?

Tuning in…

It is tricky to get clear on these answers when we are consumed by the busy-ness of life. The darker days and cooler weather of Autumn provide a valuable transition into spending more time with our internal world, and thus the opportunity to hear our inner truth. Just as the trees loose their leaves during this phase, ready for the new growth that comes with spring, contemplating now what you have outgrown can allow you to make deep shifts towards the life you truly want to live. Letting go of what no longer serves you makes it possible to energetically move on, not weighed down by the past and liberated to freely launch into your future.

So as you tune into your inner guidance to discover what you are being called to do next, know that whatever you observe is indicating how you can create a more harmonious and fulfilling life. While endings and changes might feel disruptive in the short term, trust that they denote a profound turning point that will transform your life in the best possible way. It may shake up your world temporarily, and it may mean moving out of your comfort zone, but recognise that some things need completion in order for a new beginning to take place. In finishing some chapter of your life, you will be able to continue on your journey more attuned to what is in alignment for you now. Then you will be fully open to receiving all the blessings that come your way.

Acceptance and release…

Go gently as you navigate any transition. The first step is to allow yourself to feel what’s really there – be honest about the messages, resistances, or pain that you are sensing. Only by acknowledging and allowing these things can you move into a state of acceptance or release. Acceptance helps you stay connected to your truth and stay aligned to your essence. It creates a sense of hope and faith that making changes can only lead you to a better way of living. Release enables you to let go of that which no longer serves you, trusting that you are then making way for the new to enter your life. The better you can allow your natural flow at this time, the greater you can up-level your whole existence.

Like all creatures of the world, we are born to evolve. At this time on earth we are being propelled to evolve and grow in ways we probably never even imagined. It is a potent time to be alive and we must acknowledge that the world needs our blessed gifts more than ever right now. So go ahead and acknowledge what they could be so you can find a way to bring them to the world unashamedly.

Blessings on your journey, Michelle Teunon xxx
“The master observes the world but trusts his inner vision. He allows things to come and go. He prefers what is within to what is without.”
― Lao-Tzu