Are you ready for transformation this year?

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So a new year begins….

And while a new year is just a number and a date on a calendar, we can all feel that a new year represents so much more than that – for it is the beginning of a new cycle and the opportunity for a brand new chapter to commence in your life.

As with any new cycle, we must remember that the journey is a process. A seed takes time to germinate, sprout and evolve into a tree. A butterfly takes time to transform from a caterpillar into its new form that can take flight. You too are likely to enter a chrysalis of sorts as you begin the year, watching new forms take shape in your life as the days go on, emerging as a new person in 12 months time. Remember any creative seed you plant takes time. Patience and trust are important to draw on, acknowledging that you can’t rush a natural process.

What needs to be left behind?

Astrologically it’s going to be quite a big year ahead (nothing new these past few years!!), one where we simply have to deal with anything that we haven’t yet fully dealt with or released. While this might mean facing uncomfortable emotions or tasks that we’ve been resisting for years (or our whole life), it will eventually help free up your attention, allowing you to be more focused on creating what you actually want for your life. It will also help to lighten the load that you carry, physically or emotionally, as you eliminate what is no longer relevant for your current existence.

So if you feel some old wounds surface or notice relationships that no longer resonate this year, know that you are perfectly in tune with the universe’s rhythm. Know that this too is part of the natural cycle that enables you to transform your life in the most positive way. Times have been a-changing for many years and while change can be confronting, it can also be liberating and will ultimately pave a much better path for you and your loved ones.

Wishing you a wonderful year ahead.  May you soon emerge as the most magnificent butterfly you can imagine!
xx Michelle

Kinesiology this year

Thankfully it appears that lockdowns are over, so clinic in Kyneton is back in full swing for the year ahead.

As we commence the year, I am offering kinesiology and bodywork sessions on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.

I am also now offering Human Design readings as part of my kinesiology sessions. What is Human Design you ask?  With some similarities to Astrology, put simply – it is a way to understand how your energy interacts with the world around you.  By discovering your energy profile you can learn a couple of simple strategies to help you align more easily to your natural flow. Ultimately it helps you use your strengths for decision making and for tapping into your inner authority.

Last year I undertook some studies that enabled me to delve deeply into this incredible system of self-empowerment and quite frankly it’s already changed my life!  I would love to share it with you.  Just ask to find out more.

Join me for Qi Gong this term 

The next 7 week qi gong course commences in Kyneton in a few weeks. This term we will be returning to the Kyneton Community House. There are still a couple of spots left on both the Tuesday evening class and the Thursday morning class.

Through gentle body movements, self-applied massage, breath practices and meditation, you will discover how to cultivate qi and maintain well-being and harmony of body, mind and spirit.

The 7 week course covers the 5 elements and organs and will help you build your own nourishing personal practice. Suitable for all abilities and can be easily integrated into your daily life.

For bookings:

Contact me on 0408 081 455 if you’d like to try before you buy, on the free introductory class Tuesday 7th Feb or Thursday 9th Feb.