Childhood is not a race to see how quickly a child can read, write and count.  It is a small window of time to learn and develop at the pace that is right for each individual child.Magda Gerber

Helping your child overcome learning difficulties and develop with confidence.


There are many factors that influence your child’s ability to learn. There are many factors that impact the brain’s processing ability.  Focusing on academic skills alone does not necessarily enable them to improve results no matter how hard they try.

Neuro-developmental therapy

Neuro-developmental therapy explores what underlying factors may be involved in your child’s difficulty to learn, process or integrate information academically.  Sometimes they simply have some masked anxieties that are keeping them in survival mode and inhibiting the brain’s ability to take in and absorb information in a school environment.

Primitive and postural reflexes

Sometimes the cause is actually due to Primitive or Postural Reflexes (automated patterns of movement that arise during the first 3.5 years of life) that haven’t yet been properly integrated.  Primitive and Postural Reflexes in the early years of development are essential for a child’s survival and to support their body to function effortlessly in an upright environment.  However if these reflexes have not naturally developed, this will impair their ability to hold themselves effectively while sitting or standing.  And if you consider the methods in which we are taught in today’s learning environment – this ability is essential to enable your child to take in and process information.  If their body does not have the capacity to hold their posture stationary and upright, this can impair their ability to read along a straight line, or to effectively hear what the teacher is saying, or to sit still long enough to focus on the task at hand.

Movement-based therapies such as the INPP Method or Brain Gym may be appropriate tools to help them overcome anxiety, learning difficulties and behavioural challenges.  Kinesiology is also a wonderful tool to help understand the underlying factors creating barriers to learning.

Whether your child suffers from Dyslexia, Learning difficulties, Asperger Syndrome, ADHD, anxiety, or any other behavioural or learning challenges, assessing your child’s individual needs with Neuro-developmental therapy can help them learn and develop with confidence.[/text_output]