Have you tended to the needs of your soul lately?

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Are you also having one of those years where it seems like only yesterday it was December?!  Things have been moving along so swiftly lately with little sign of slowing down as winter begins sneaking up on us.  Usually Autumn is the beginning of a softening and a slowing down from the active time of summer, preparing for the more quiet and internal energy of winter.

You may notice all the beings in our environment, such as the trees and animals, going with this natural flow.  The animals have been making their homes homely for the colder days, possibly stocking up on food that will be less readily available during the more dormant days of winter.  Trees are slowing their growth and some are shedding their leaves to be able to better deal with the winter conditions and allow new growth when the time comes in Spring.

The joys of city living

The pitfall with our city-based lives is that we do not need to be in the natural flow of things like we used to be.  We can somewhat lose touch with these natural cycles with easy access to indoor lighting and heating.  But these cycles serve such an important process for us – they enable us to take the time to regenerate after an active period.  They enable us to reduce the stress impact on our bodies and restore our energy.  It is the ONLY sustainable way to live a balanced life.

Responsibilities vs receiving

So I ask you – are you running your life trying to fulfil a billion responsibilities?  Is this nourishing you physically, emotionally and spiritually?  If the answer is Yes, you can probably stop reading now!  If the answer is No, read on…

Still here?!  What a surprise!  So many of us are striving just to live.  But striving is a product of the ego and will never be fulfilled.  You can try, but you will always find that another thing comes along that it just must have or do – the ego will keep on trying to attain it’s fulfilment, at the cost of nourishment.  And so you end up exhausted.

What about soul?

It is the nature of society at this time of existence to be fairly out of touch with the true needs of our soul.  Do we even know what that looks and feels like anymore?  And are we so invested in striving and achievement that tending to the needs of our soul seems as though we have failed somehow?

Taking time out to listen to the needs of our deeper self can also sometimes lead to an inner crisis as we pull the plug on all the distractions we’ve been utilising and wonder at who we really are.  Disconnection breeds uncertainty.  Sometimes we feel safer clinging to the very things that are stressful because at least we are familiar with them and know what they offer us.

But this isn’t sustainable.  It just keeps you stuck.

Are you thriving or surviving?

I invite you to ask yourself what areas of your life are most satisfying and what areas are least satisfying.  For those that are least satisfying – what is your motivation to continue this pattern?  Does it come from ego or soul?  And why are you settling for something less than fulfilment?

Life is an invitation to live!  Why would you want to do anything less?

If you’re not living the life you truly want to be living right now, what small thing can you do today to set you on that path?  If you don’t know – try tuning into the wisdom of your soul.  If you need a little help with that, remember kinesiology is a wonderful tool….

Winter is just around the corner and one way or another your body will ask to be in the flow of a more restful, nurturing time.  If you don’t choose to take time out, don’t be surprised if you get hit with a winter cold that forces you to slow down and take a moment to tune in and restore!


After listening to the needs of my own soul,
I decided to move to the Macedon Ranges in March
and will be winding up my clinic practice at
The Hartington Centre at the end of June.

Later this month I begin practicing in Kyneton and will
begin running Qi Gong classes here as of August.
If you know of anyone in the Macedon Ranges and Castlemaine area who would benefit from kinesiology,
cranio sacral therapy, qi gong or Holistic Death Care services, please go ahead and put us in touch.

I thank all of you who have been clients at The Hartington Centre over the last 8 years.  It is the end of an era.
A little scary, but I am following the flow that has taken me onto my new opportunities.
Of course you are welcome to come and visit me for a session in Kyneton – it would be lovely to see you up here.